Sunday, September 27, 2009

Upcountry in Manali

Blowing off our guidebook's warnings about kidnappings, disappearances, and other sundry dangers hiking near the cannabis plantations above Manali we set out with a nice couple from Australia and our host at the Rockway Cottage. The day was overcast at first but the clouds burned off and gave way to some magnificent views, and I was lucky enough to spot a white monkey. (Later that night we came across a giant banana slug: that makes at least two ways that Old Manali is like a slice of Santa Cruz transported to the subcontinent.)

The final destination (Heidi is inexplicably missing)

Elizabeth marveling at an 18-inch porcupine quill (we didn't take pictures of the similarly oversized bhang plants growing wild)

The landscape was lush and the trail slippery

The UCSC mascot, like Bugs, must have taken a left at Albuquoique

Tom, Claire, Bodi, and Elizabeth on a comfy rock

Enjoying a rare treat...fresh (safe) fruit!

Nice light on a massive tree with, ho hum, another 6,000 meter peak in the distance

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It does look weirdly like California. That tree is hilarious. I really does look like a cell tower!

    Funny that you mention the little cash crop being grown there. I have been researching that exact thing for my thesis, figuring out where in Hawaii the big busts have been, and if there are locations on Oahu where someone might stage such an enterprise. I decided on Waianae because there need to be fields of pineapple/cane AND isolated areas for the little pot plants.
