Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Harvest Song

The words to this song are "lhamo khyong, lhamo khyong...yale khyong, lahamo-le" which translates as "make it easy...take it easy." First a woman sang (with a beautiful voice, we thought), then the others responded. They're cutting barley. Almost everywhere we've seen more than one or two people doing field work the men and women doing it are singing.


  1. Wow, it is amazing to see work being done by hand like that. Though, I guess I spent my fair share of years doing the same. Still, I think of agriculture as being so mechanized now.

    Speaking of... Do not live vicariously through me right now. I am listening to weed whackers and leaf blowers. Ugh. Disgusting.

  2. Well, we're often listening to horns and breathing diesel but will try to spare you that!
