Friday, September 18, 2009

Ladakh Festival

Each September, the capital city Leh hosts a two week festival of archery, polo, local arts exhibitions, and dance. We were able only to catch the final day of festival which featured the dance and song from different regions within Ladakh. It's the center of interest for the entire town. Monks, families, Kashmiri merchants, and tourists like ourselves turned out on the polo fields to celebrate and preserve local culture.

Western Tibetan 'line dance'

Perhaps as a concession to the climate, cloth flowers now adorn these women's head gear

The weight of the turquoise headdresses didn't deter these women

Their expressions say a lot about the time, place, and company

The festival concluded with a procession and community dance that included all the regional performers and local dignitaries

Z was more than a little covetous of this tinsel covered hat

An old woman returning home from the festivities

I haven't seen Elizabeth as happy as when eating Tibetan pe shee soup


  1. Dude, I want some of that soup! How are your tummies faring? I imagine they are in a bit of shock with all the strange foods...

  2. JD--remarkably enough...knock on wood, marble, and formica...we're doing fine. Taking Doxycycline each morning kills most everything in our systems and a dose of acidophilus at night refreshes the 'flora.' Seems to be working so far.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, it's true, I adore that soup. It has vegetables in it! There are lots of vegetables here but rarely just cooked lightly and served up. And we can't really eat raw veggies (or at least it'd be a bad idea) so I'm excited about vegetables whenever I encounter them...
