Sunday, September 27, 2009

Goats do roam...

When these little house goats catch on they're going to go like wildfire!

Pugs of the world, you've been put on notice!


  1. OMFG! I want one!

    btw, they bear a remarkable resemblance to a dog that appeared in a Star Trek ep. I tried to post the picture in this comment, but blogspot hates me again, and won't let me. Bastards!

    But here is a link.

    Uncanny, no?

  2. Wow, a baby-goat unicorn. That is wacky!

    Marty was so smitten by these goats I'm surprised he didn't stuff one into his backpack, sneaky-like. His enthusiasm was dampened only slightly upon learning that they were babies and would in fact grow up to be mayhem on four legs, like all other goats...
