Monday, September 14, 2009


I just have to add three things to Marty's cogent and vivid description below of our 15-hour jeep ride from Srinagar to Leh:

1) On this trip, if you're female, either your head or your bladder will explode, because there ain't nowhere you can go (men can go anywhere, of course), and forswearing water at high altitudes is rough on the noggin.
2) My one fellow female passenger chose another option, vomiting quietly out of the window the entire way.
3) It was my birthday.

Lest all this sound a little negative, I'll add that it was without a doubt the most beautiful ride of my life. Also the scariest. But definitely the most beautiful.


  1. This is reminding me of Edgar's Himalayan intestinal rupture story. Keep it together!

  2. Perhaps scariness added to the appreciation of the beauty. :)

    Don't go all Tyco Brahe on us. Pee when you can.


  3. I've always wondered about that Tycho Brahe thing -- was that really true or did our chemistry teacher just say that to stick it firmly in our heads for our whole lives? (Unlike, for instance, the periodical table.)
