Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dal Lake

Dal Lake was for us the high point of Srinagar. The houseboat was pricey and totally dilapidated (when we turned on the water in the sink, it ran straight out onto our feet) but the setting was worth it. No horns, no motors, even. Just the calls of boaters, eagles, the splash of a diving kingfisher -- oh, and merchants pulling up alongside your boat to sell you saffron.

A shikara: rather like a gondola, only without the opera

Houseboats all seem to have funny names, all in English, many creatively spelled


The front porch of Houseboat Denver

Fishing for very small but very plentiful fish

Among the lotuses: people eat the nuts and roots and feed the leaves to cattle

The floating gardens, which seemed hugely productive -- all kinds of vegetables and flowers grew there -- and a couple of gardeners

One of the many kingfishers -- and many, many birds -- on the lake

No need to leave the lake to do your shopping for souvenirs -- just pull your shikara up to the steps here and take a look... no need to buy, just take a look...

Sunset over the Mughal fort


  1. It looks so fantastical! Sorry about the dilapidated houseboat. I guess farflung travel is always a crapshoot...


  2. It felt pretty fantastical!
    ...or fantastidated, or dilapstical...
