Saturday, February 6, 2010

Perro loco

On our big rest day in el pueblito del hippies (El Bolson) we spent a great afternoon down by the river, recharging for the next leg of our trip. While we were there a few kids came to join us and shame us into swimming -- they were far bolder than we were. Their dog made us all look like shivering sissies. Watch the video below, then imagine the dog doing this same routine for a solid hour, lap after lap.


(posted by Marty)


  1. Hee! I think one dunk in that cold water would have me running for the hot chocolate stand.

  2. Hilarious! So how long did the dog do that? :)

  3. That was like all the dogs running amok in the snow over this past weekend. They're all happy and tails a-waggin' and puppy grins on their faces. You can just hear their thoughts, "OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY!" It must be necessary for cosmic balance as my thought pattern was "OH HELL! OH CRAP!OH FRACK!"

  4. I think this dog might have done, uh, ¨rinse and repeat¨ for almost an hour. It was the crackerest crackerdog I´ve ever seen.
    I love the image of the dogs phloomphing around in the snow. Hope that at least cheered you as you dug, Cy.
