Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Different strokes

Always the botanizer, Elizabeth has been taking time to pet the moss and admire all the intricacies of South American plant life.

I seem to be preoccupied with less edified pursuits.

Wet, wet clothes (hanging off the cool loft I made for our tent) -- Torres del Paine, Take 1


  1. I am always excited when you post photos of plants. That pink flower looks like a lupine.

  2. Is that a husbanditia grumpis en morningus? They have those in Baltimore, too!

  3. Yup, it´s a lupine! They have _huge_ lupines here, in gorgeous rich colors. All in gardens, though, not wild.
    Yes, I think it is a widespread species...

  4. You now have me petting the moss an our treks! Those plants right above marty with pie are beautiful. Pie is beautiful too, Marty. -- Blake

  5. Moss-petting is universally rewarding! Pie, too.
