Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rain like the sound of trains

We've left the intermittently monsoon-drenched and sun-baked Bangkok metropolis for cooler climes in Northern Thailand. We thought it best to use the fast internet connection of Chiang Mai to bring things up to date.

First off, an observation: if there is one thing to compete with the intensity of the humidity in Bangkok it is the power of Thai air conditioning, particularly in the hundreds of 7-11 convenience stores that litter the capital. Where else can you experience a 40 degree temperature differential and get a full complement of thousand calorie snacks?

The following photos are not in order but should give a view into some of the wats we visited and meals we indulged in.

At Wat Pho this little guy was tasked with holding up one of many ostentatious stupas

Here, restoration is done on a small panel within the massive wall paintings illustrating the Ramayana

Mr. Yim serves up some of the best vegetarian cuisine street-side in Banglangphu

Z sips a delicious bowl of tom kha while we wait out a torrential downpour

At Wat Arun, the first step is a doozy...and the next and the next...

Outside the Reclining Buddha at Wat Pho

Possibly the best single meal we've had the whole trip: shredded mushrooms fried atop eggplant and ginger and red rice at Than Ma "housetaurant"

A view across the Chao Praya river toward Wat Arun

Z in front of more temple bling

Able-bodied protectorate (Thai chiken-hawk?)outside the Reclining Buddha complex

An artist, catching a ride into history on a vessel more lasting than himself


The truly massive Reclining Buddha

Intricate gold doorway at yet another wat


  1. Wow! Amazing wats! I love the gargoyley things.

    I admit to being super envious of those fried mushrooms and eggplant. Woe is jd's refrigerator with its lone cabbage and eggs. I need to go shopping, but have been sick for TEN DAYS. It is a sad state of affairs.

    Is that real gold leaf on the wats? Are the walls vandalized for that reason? Can you even sell gold leaf?

  2. jd/z: I commiserate. I've been sick for six days. Today I got out of bed at 2:30--13.5 hours after getting into it. After napping all day. Anyway, I love the painting of painting, the grrrrrgoyle(?) and the bling. :)
