Friday, October 2, 2009

Field Notes in the Spirit of "Digger"

Mike "Digger" Durgerian is a friend, former colleague, foe of the 40 hour work week, and all around intrepid dude whose 'Cultural Observation' emails and writings for surf mags are the stuff of legend. In the spirit of embracing the unknown--and maybe the uncooked--here are some thoughts on India:

-Just because you cook by yak dung in the winter should not prevent your mud-walled home from having satellite TV

-Burqa-clad women need to shop for lacy underwear and pumps like their uncovered sisters so don't stare when shopping at the market by the mosque

-If you're in the habit of smoking a hookah at 6 am while paddling a boat across Dal Lake in Srinagar remember that it's bad form to crash into a heron or a patty of lotus flowers

-Road markings are, at best, suggestions but herds of goats should be given a wide berth

-Men walking hand in hand is not a sign of loosened social mores nor out-in-the-open (pardon the pun) gay love but rather a friendly, platonic affection that must substitute for physical contact in a society with rigid codes of conduct for men and women alike

-Cafe soundsystems are incomplete without copies of "Dust in the Wind" and "Hotel California"

-Every Kashmiri man has a brother who will make you the deal of a lifetime be it on a pair of trousers, a faux Hindu diety, or a trip across the border

-Don't trust cold momos (Tibetan dumplings)

-Whatever you do, don't stare at the monkeys


  1. This is my favorite:

    -Just because you cook by yak dung in the winter should not prevent your mud-walled home from having satellite TV

    That's how I feel, man.

  2. Don't trust cold momos is *totally* akin to not trusting cold stuffed frogs, I'd wager.

    If that's the case, he's completely right.
