Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some views of Buenos Aires

You could say this says it all

Our week in Buenos Aires sped up, somehow. We signed up for four-hour a day Spanish classes, made friends, went out with them until hours that were early for BA but wildly adventurous for us, and then Elizabeth would actually get up in the morning and take the subway off to a temporary consulting gig.

Now it's our last night here -- tomorrow we leave for Patagonia for about six weeks -- and we're considering finding some more tango.

In the meantime, here are a few images from this week:

Church doorway in San Telmo

Beautiful buildings in Retiro

Can't remember what neighborhood this is in, but architecture like this seems to pop up everywhere

Botanical graffiti: who knew? This would be Orchidaceae, of course, says Elizabeth

Retiro train station

Salida aqui

Wowed by watermelons: everything is larger south of the equator

Dulce de leche helado, one of humankind's better inventions

Later, you can work off that helado with city-sponsored booty dance classes

Si, vegetarianos

The white head scarf, symbol of the mothers of the disappeared

Is graffiti Quaker?

And the quintessentially South American David -- why's that, you ask?

Because he's got a teapot and a mate gourd


  1. I didn't really envy the Asian leg of your trip, but I want to go to BA. The late nights might be rough for me, but I'll be all jet-lagged, anyway, right? And, really, it's unlikely BA will keep me up later than the bitcas downstairs with their constant parties. I am packing my bags!

    Coffee! Wacky graffiti! Awesome architecture! Mmm.

  2. Love that church doorway.
    Love the philosophical quandary that is "Is graffiti Quaker?"
    Still haven't gotten the image of dessert out of my head. So, back to having nothing nice to say. ;)

  3. You will both clearly have to come down and sample the desserts. They do dessert very well here. Coffee, too. All the important food groups...
