Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dream catchers in Bolson

Here´s a quick update from El Bolson, the Californian Santa Cruz of Argentina, where you can find a craft fair every other day featuring flowers, baggy pants, handmade soaps and jewelry, shawls made with extremely chunky yarn, homebrewed beer, hand-carved cutting boards, and so much more. One thing that makes it Argentinian: some of those cutting boards are big enough to sling an entire cow across.

Today we went on another long hike and jumped off high rocks into the snowmelt-cold water of Rio Azul. It was irresistible. A whole new blue to rhapsodize about, this time turquoise.

I´ll spare you the inadequate adjectives though, as it´s after midnight, I´m typing madly in the hostel basement, and we´re about to take off on a two-day bus ride down Route 40 to get deep into Patagonia. (How deep? Day two is entirely on dirt roads, I´m told.)

And so, to bed.


  1. My 70s-love really wants a shawl made w/ chunky yarn. That sounds teh awesome.

    The hike sounds great. Bus ride, less so, but I hope it's not as nauseating as some of the ones you described in India.

  2. You know you´re in a Santa Cruz when: a) the Long Hairs outnumber the Squares three to one, b) crinkle-faced forest elves are a mainstay of the local arts and crafts scene, c) you spot a dog with dreads at a drum circle, d) all of the above.
