Monday, December 28, 2009


Hawaiian: kama'āina, from kama (child) + 'āina (land)

A few views from our brief but welcome time in Hawai'i. Elizabeth can't get over how sweet it is to drink tap water.

With Leolani and Teitjen -- we were told to make funny faces, but not everyone complied...

Teitjen showing us what to look for (and we did see some whales)

Blue waters at Makapu'u

Poolside (with much gratitude to Judy and family for the hospitality!)

Grits basking in the good light

More of said light

Satoshi, clearly terribly stressed out

Elizabeth's brother John, in no hurry to return to Ohio

Makena and Luka, enjoying the last light

Stuart, Kayo, and Mana visiting from Tokyo

Watching monster waves on the North Shore, Christmas Day

Purnima was back in Hawai'i from India

Maka: two legs down, but it's not holding her back

Andy being adored by dogs, Marty being adored by cats, Grits laughing

Andy listens attentively

One half of the feline troops at the Gresham/Anderson compound

Linguists at rest (Patricia and David) -- guess the movie wasn't all that absorbing

Now we're off to southern California for a bit...


  1. I should not be commenting as I have no nice comments as I am a)not in Hawai'i b)missing you all terribly and c)not a pet owner. So I give this post a resolute HMPH! Grumble, grumble...glad you had fun.

  2. Dear Elizabeth & Marty,
    Glad we could see you two for a brief spell yesterday - next time we'll try to get there earlier! Impressed by how fast you posted yesterday's photos. Good luck on the next leg of the trip!

  3. Um, yes, Megan. We can use that as a kind of index to see if she looks at this post... because if so, I think you'll be hearing about that comment.

  4. I've been trying to coax a photo or two from her, but she completely ignores those requests. Thanks for posting one!

    I tried calling you the other day; I left a long and rambling message on what I HOPE was Marty's parents' answering you have free time this weekend to chat?
